Lists: Things That Could Be Gender Neutral

My goal here is not to attempt a feminist screed, so I have focused this list on gender-specific standards that have largely gone unnoticed.  Right-handed scissors are a good analogy.  My left-handed mother always winced in agony whenever she used scissors, which, in the 1960s, were designed for the comfort of a right-hand dominated world. …

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Five Simple Ideas that Changed Our Lives

  Some ideas seem so obvious we wonder how we ever lived without them.  I am not talking about technological breakthroughs, like the TV/garage door/coffee maker/fan clicker, but elegant and clever ideas based on nothing more than common sense and an observant mind, the kind of ideas that make you slap your forehead and say,…

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The Best Shit Has to Offer

Every language is enlivened by its array of idioms.  Americans seem to be particularly fond of the word “shit”, perhaps because these idioms take advantage of the tension between the taboo of a body effluent and the titillating guilty pleasure of potty humor.  Unlike many idioms that are based on local history, religion, geography or…

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